Bible Clubs

Public school education can include Bible. Through Released Time Bible Clubs during the school day and after school Bible Clubs.  During Released Time we are able to with parental permission transport children to a nearby location to be able to hold a Bible Club.  We also hold after school Bible Clubs.

Bible Club Districts

We are currently in eleven school districts. If you are wondering whether or not your school has a club, click the link below to see which schools we are currently holding clubs. If you don’t see your school and would like to have a club there, call our office for details about getting one started.

click here for schools

Mailbox Bible Clubs

Children love to get mail! Our mailbox club is a series of lessons designed to help students grow in their faith and knowledge of God’s Word. Each lesson comes with stories, games, puzzles, and questions based upon God’s Word. As students complete and return each lesson, they are checked and returned to the student with the next lesson. After completing each level, they are rewarded with a certificate of completion suitable for framing.